Sunday, February 15, 2015

Memoir Objectives/Goals

This is important because what I hope the reader will learn is, your times mean nothing, doing it does.

I want to write a memoir about running but I’m not sure what aspect of it I should write about.  The reason why I began to run again is only important to show what it was to me and what it became to me. 

It was grief that made the need for some mental outlet.  Do I need to include the deceased name if I go this route?  I’d like to leave his family name in peace by not putting it out in cyberspace.

Because some days, running is a do not remember zone, a mumble of thoughts.

What I want the reader to gain from reading this is seeing how a solo sport such as running can start by healing an experience such as grief, an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and become something that allows you to be part of your life again.  Running just like life is never easy, but you get better at it.  Regardless the level of expertise sometimes you really feel like you should quit but the reward in finishing, the mental peace, that battle where no one is there to push yourself but you alone, that is the triumph I want the reader to feel.

It’s a battle for people to understand why running is so important to me.  People have misconceptions with exercise.  I am asked all the time, “What are you training for?”  My answer puzzles them, deer in headlights when I say “Life.”  By putting this down in writing, by describing the self discipline this sport requires and how I feel during and after I’m hoping to finally be able to better understand the depth I go in running.  Maybe I’ll be able to better explain myself to people too.

When I think about my runs, they are music specific.  All words are specific to the emotions I’m dealing with that day.  Am I using their words to speak for me?  I don’t think I need to include the music I do listen to for the reader to understand that certain sports have gear that can be used as inspiration.  Mine is music.  I think I’ll have to be careful in making sure I don’t get off track on what my story really is about.