Friday, January 23, 2015


One Foot After Another

That shit is cheaper than therapy anyways!

Deciding one day you don’t want to have any more kids is one thing.  Being told you can’t is another.  Being told an option for better health means a procedure that removes that possibility, also something totally different.  “One and done” that’s what I’ve said for five years now.  But this is so messed up.  Talk about a total mind fucking couple days.

I ran.  Running always makes me feel better, heavy days at the gym always makes me feel better.  Getting all my gear ready in the locker room and my arm band is nowhere to be found, this makes me swear even more if that is fucking possible!  I fucking knew it was stolen.  I can’t believe I didn’t notice it last time.  I searched my bag forever even though I knew some fuck stole my shit.  What the fuck is wrong with people?  No no, no one would steal so on I looked.  Them fuckers!  It’s so fucking gone!  Marched out to the staff and so politely asked if someone stole I mean, turned in a lost arm band.  I couldn’t believe it when she said they’ve had a problem with people stealing lately.  Who the fuck am I kidding of course I can believe it.  Them fuckers!!!!  She searched 3 locations which was nice but really?  Who the fuck has 3 places of lost shit?  Not 3 drawers but 3 different rooms in a huge building!  Sounds to me like you have lost and found, and stole and I better return before the red head kicks some serious ass rooms!  She walked out and asked me if my arm band was mine and I think I saw a halo around it.  I was so damn giddy and excited I think I jumped.  Yup I fucking jumped for joy and I think I almost hugged her.  Of course no one stole my stuff, people never do that.  Or, I am so lazy the thought of holding onto my phone for music really can put me in that pissed off of a mood.  I think I’m the only person I know who would need to run just to work off the anger from someone stealing their shit.  There is something wrong with me!  And when I was done running I fucking left it on the bench again while I worked out for someone to steal!!  Instead of the sign I was going to put “Steal and Beware of Red” I should put “I’m a fucking idiot so please steal my shit.”

While getting ready to head on the track a really nice elderly gentleman stopped me, “do you always workout that hard?”  Fuck yes I do, “yes every time.”  “That’s amazing I applaud you.”  That was a nice moment for me.  I applauded myself too for not being irritated at all that someone broke into my time of solace and motioned me to take my ear buds out.  I think I really needed the compliment.  Hellish couple of days and anything to lift me was very much appreciated.  But it got even better, a very important friend showed up.  What a fucking great day this turned out to be!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Snoozed twice this morning. 18 minutes and I was so pissed off. So pissed because how the hell am I going to get everything done today. Another fucking night of no sleep. Should I workout today, am I even going to be able to. Fuck I'm tired. I only got out of bed because I need to make sure little man isn't late for therapy today. I opened my phone thinking I was going to see the norm, good mornings, fuck you memes, inspirational get fit as fuck quotes and maybe they were all there but I didn’t notice. All I saw was the txt that a close friend lost a loved one during the night. All of a sudden nothing seems to matter. Does it matter? Is the day moving in slow motion? Am I moving in slow motion? This feeling is so fucked up. Is it a feeling? I don’t feel sad or somber or well, anything. I feel numb. Numb feels heavy. Is that fucking normal? Doesn’t that defy some sort of scientific law somewhere? How can numbness feel like anything? Thinking about all the times I saw him, talked to him, pictures of him on my phone. Grief is so fucked up. Is it my loss? Or am I grieving because someone close is suffering? So many degrees and variances of grief but its all so awful. And there is nothing I can do. Nothing to make any of my friends feels better nothing to make myself feel better so I'm just stuck. Stuck in some sort of degree of grief but does it matter? At least I’m alive. I mean is that how it’s going to be for a while? Where I'm more grateful than usual for things? Or I feel like I can’t complain? Will it be a while? What is a while? I’ve already heard him being talked about in past tense. God that is so fucked up. If up until his dying day he’s a good father and good husband, son, brother, grandpa, cant he hold on to that title? Why do we say he WAS all those things, isn’t he still? Hasn’t he deserved the right to still be all those great things?

I don’t even feel tired anymore. 3 hours of sleep feels like something, this feels like nothing and its worse, so much worse.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Why do people forget how to drive every time a cloud appears in the sky?  God forbid it snows, now the snownesia sets in even further.  The danger in this weather is how much I drift off into thought wondering why all these fucking people ever got in their cars.  It's obvious they don't want to get where they are going.  

I started taking a toll how many times someone brought up the weather to me in one day. I know it's fucking snowing! I didn't teleport my ass to stand right in front of you so that you can tell me!!!  48 times today.  There is something wrong with that.  People are so starved for some kind of conversation but have no idea what to say.  This has to be the reason.  Why else does the weather constantly keep getting brought up.

Still have this damn cough, maybe a month now.  I can ask the creepy no shame naked senior citizen at the gym.  It doesn't matter what time I'm there, so is she and she tells me I'm still coughing every damn time.  And every damn time while she's naked. 

"Be careful." Wish I kept a toll on how many times I heard that today.  Why do people insist on stating the obvious?  Maybe the better question is why does it bother me so much.  Do I say this?  Fuck maybe I've been infected by snownesia too.  "Be careful it's snowing out"  REALLY!  Well fuck I'm so happy you told me that, I thought this shit was butterflies falling all over me and I was going to drive as fast as I could not to be carried off to the land of all things creepy that fly!

Now I have to find a way to scrub off these 48 marks on my hand!